Cataract surgery FAQs

How do I perform cataract surgery in London?

The good news is that cataracts are usually very easily treated. The bad news is that no change in diet, exercise or pills will make the slightest difference: the only effective treatment for cataracts is surgery.

Cataract surgery, in the hands of an expert is very safe, simple and quick: each eye can take only 20­ to 25 minutes to treat, and the results last a lifetime.

Treatment starts with being assessed by a fully trained eye surgeon. I always see my patients personally and go through their medical history and the symptoms they have been experiencing. I will then examine your eyes thoroughly to make sure that your eyes are healthy and to find out exactly where the problem lies.

If indeed you do have cataracts, we will then decide what to do: you do not have to have them treated, and if your symptoms are mild, you might decide to leave them alone for a while. In the past we used to leave cataracts until they became ‘mature’ and your vision was really quite poor, but with modern techniques and advances we no longer do this.

If your cataracts are affecting your vision enough to interfere with your daily living and your ability to do the things you enjoy, then you will probably want them to be treated.

What can you can expect during cataract surgery in London?

After our initial consultation, if you want your cataracts treated I will arrange a time for you to come in to the hospital at your convenience. This can usually be done within a week or so of our first consultation, so there is no big delay once you decide you want to be treated.

Most patients can have their cataracts treated under a local anaesthetic and do not need to be ‘put to sleep’ for the operation.

First, I make the eye numb by putting an anaesthetic drops in the eye or something with an infusion of anaesthetic solution around the eye. Under the microscope, I will make a nick in the eye and pass a tiny instrument into the lens to break it up. This is called ‘phacoemulsification’ and allows me to remove the old cloudy lens. I then implant the new lens, and you’ll have clear vision.

What do I replace the cataract with?

Once the cataract is removed, an artificial folding silicone lens is inserted into the eye. Once inside the eye, the artificial lens unfolds. As it is clear, the light entering the eye can now focus clearly on the retina. The new lens does not need replacing.

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Will cataract surgery be painful?

No, your cataract surgery in London will be painless. Most cataract surgery can be performed under local anaesthetic. This means you will be awake for the procedure. Eye drops can be used to numb the surface of the eye or local anaesthetic can be delivered around the eye. This ensures you will have a pain-free operation.

I don’t use sharp needles and the operation is quite painless. If you are very anxious, I might give a sedative to help you relax, or I can involve an anaesthetist colleague who will put you to sleep for the procedure if you prefer.

Will you be able to see the surgeon’s instruments?

No, you will not be able to see what the surgeon is doing or using during your cataract surgery. Your vision will be temporarily blurred from the local anaesthetic. You may see a bright light during the surgery .

During surgery you will feel no pain and see no instruments near the eye. You may see bright lights or rainbow colours, but that is all.

The whole procedure takes maybe 20 minutes on average. I give all my patients antibiotic drops and anti­-inflammatory medicine for 3 weeks after surgery whilst the eye heals. Most people go home the same day of surgery.

What happens after your cataract surgery in London?

For most people, the improvement in eyesight is astonishing and immediate. Right away you will notice your vision is much brighter and clearer, and your vision will continue to improve over the next week or so.

It is normal to feel some itching or discomfort for 2 or 3 days, after which even that should settle down. You will be able to carry on with your normal day­-to­-day activities as usual and I will see you about a week or so after your operation to see how you are getting on.

I will also give you contact details so you can get in touch with me right away if you have any concerns in the meantime.

Call today to get answers

Discuss the next steps
towards removing your cataracts

07919 895 448

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