Cataract Surgery by numbers

Cataract by numbers

Are you planning to have cataract surgery, but need some more information first? Here are some interesting cataract surgery numbers that might help.

One perhaps surprising number is the fact that age-related cataract only accounts for 48% of the world’s blindness (18 million people).

Annually, about 300,000 cataract surgeries are performed in the UK. It’s a common eye condition and the most common eye surgery in the world.

Most of the people I meet at an appointment are nervous about having eye surgery. Or, they may have concerns regarding their cataract surgery. That is normal.

Rest assured: The success rate of cataract surgery is 96%. After a cataract surgery, your mortality risk is 40% lower. The risk of hip fractures is 16% lower after a cataract surgery. Also, the risk of a car crash following cataract surgery is 13% lower.

As you can see, cataract surgery offers many advantages to you, your health and your quality of life. If you have any questions, you may find some answers here and please do not hesitate to contact me.