Video: What are my options to private cataract surgery?

In this video I talk about your options to private cataract surgery.

That’s a very good question. The only two options are to leave your cataract or to have an operation, unfortunately.

You may have heard in the newspapers or in magazines that there are things like drops that can cure cataracts. I’m afraid that’s not true. There’s no medical evidence that things like drops actually help cataracts improve, improve the vision, they don’t work. And I don’t advocate things that don’t work, unfortunately.

The mainstay of treatment for cataracts surgery – this has been developed over many thousands of years – is an operation, because we physically have to take out that misty lens.

We can’t reverse any of those changes within the lens with any medicines or with any drops. We physically have to take the lens out and put a new lens inside the eye.

If you want to discuss the further options of how we do that and what cataract surgery involves, then please ring the number at the end of this video and we can discuss that.

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About Jaheed Khan

My name is Jaheed Khan and I am a Consultant Eye Surgeon at Moorfields Eye Hospital and Clinica London.

My special expertise is in cataract surgery and conditions affecting the back of the eye, the retina, including AMD (Age Related Macular Degeneration), diabetic retinopathy, and various other diseases of the retina.

I have over 15 years experience in treating people with eye problems just like you, and have published extensively in scientific journals about treating eye conditions.

In my NHS practice, I am responsible day-to-day for the training of the eye surgeons of the future.